Dear Blog Reader

Dear Blog Reader,

Welcome to my blog page. It is my hope that you find something on there whether it be a poem,  a message,a scripture verse, or a photo that brightens and adds a little inspiration and hope to your day. If you’re like me, you may find you have incredibly long days where you cannot slow down just to relax a bit. Or you may have days where you feel hurt or overwhelmed by your current situation. I have also had difficult times where I seem to not be able to do anything right or there seems to be no one I can talk to about whatever I am struggling with. I can be very hard and negative on myself. I sometimes feel that I didn’t matter to anyone and that I lacked purpose in life.

Of course that is not true, I do matter to others. I have a loving family, also a church family, and I have close friends.  Also I do have purpose in my life, but I  when I’m riding the Negativity Train, I lose sight of that. I am battling even now to stay off that train. I knew I needed to do something to get out of my negative state of mind as I felt very trapped there. As someone who clings to faith in God I have turned to prayer, Bible reading, and reading inspirational books.  Also very helpful and inspirational friends and family step in to encourage me. And God has shown that others struggle like I do; I am not alone.

Therefore, I started this blog with a quest to find hope and inspiration in everyday life. Not only to find that hope but to also share it with others. So that is the purpose of this blog; to find and share something that might give someone else who is struggling a little hope for today. Therefore as you visit my blog, read some of my posts, I hope you discover a little something that helps and inspires you today.

Becky G.




Philippians 4:8 (Holy Bible English Standard Version)

 “Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.”


7 thoughts on “Dear Blog Reader

  1. amforte66

    Good luck with the negativity train. Do you suffer from depression? That is a tough road to travel. I enjoyed your letter. You seem very peaceful. 🙂


  2. gracedtolive

    Hello BeckyG, I’ve just come across your blog. I’m fairly new to the blogging world so I haven’t surfed the blogosphere much, but I’m happy I found your blog. Thank you for inspiring readers with your thoughts, your faith and beautiful photography! I look forward to reading more…Blessings, Nina


  3. Em Vincente

    As an old woman of Faith–Jesus, Bible–I can say that faith isn’t a magic wand. We live in a world full of negatives, and sometimes they live within us–yet, that is not who Christ says we are, no matter how bad I feel some days. God bless you.


  4. Debbie Choplin

    Lifting you in prayer. I am a church financial secretary too, and wear many other hats on staff there as well and am a Stephen Minister. If your church offers Stephen Ministry, seek one out. We are great listeners and will walk along side you if you need someone to help get through those negative moments.


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