Monthly Archives: August 2015

Oh the Things My Fingers can do


Clapping hands to music and

Snapping my fingers to a catchy tune

Are just a few things that

My little fingers can do.

Dancing up and down a keyboard;

Playing a rhythmic song

Or typing on the computer

A new story or poem.

Holding a friend’s hand or

Helping someone in need.

Writing down my thoughts and

Not hurry; no need for speed.

While walking through a forest

 And crossing a grassy meadow,

Smelling and caressing the

Soft and dewy wildflower petals.

Gripping the steering wheel and

Driving from place to place;

Journeying through this day while

Living inside of God’s sweet grace.

Then when the starry night arrives

And the glowing sun has gone down,

Folding my fingers in quiet prayer to

Thank the Lord for all he has done.

One Day, One Hour and One Step at a Time


Lord, sometimes I awake and don’t know

The road to take or what path to follow.

So, I’ll pause and pray in the eerie morning light

Asking you to help me just

to take one day, one, hour, one step at a time.

Sometimes there are hard decisions to make

And so I hold my breath and hesitate

As I contemplate what to do; what is right?

And so I’m asking you to help me Lord just

To take one day, one hour, and one step at a time.

And then as this long day is steadily passing

With a few hurdles appearing on the horizon,

I stop to strain and see the end in sight

Lord please keep on helping me just

To take one day, one hour, and one step at a time.

Lord, my work and my daily tasks are done

So now I am quietly journeying back home.

While I travel in the faint evening twilight,

Please guide the way and help me just

To take one day, one hour, and one step at a time.

Lord, now that I am silently lying in a shroud of darkness,

Your gentle presence keeps my mind at peace and rest.

And even as I sleep wrapped in the blanket of night

Lord, still gently help me to take just

One day, one hour, and one step at a time.

Becky’s Haiku: Bird and Red


Blackbirds flew above my

Head; I so wished to see red

Cardinals instead.

I have just attempted yet another haiku challenge from Ronovan Writes blog using the words “bird” and “red”. I am enjoying the challenge of trying to use such seemingly different and even opposite words in such a short poem. These prompts from Ronovan can really be a challenge to the mind.  If you like poetry challenges and haiku’s then I invite you to also accept his latest challenge at this link:

Lord, Please Stay with Me


Lord, please stay with me today;

Show me the path and lead me the way.

Sweet dear Jesus I fear what might lay ahead;

And the weeping tears which I might shed.

But even so Lord, please still remain close to me

As I cling to hope though sadness I see.

I know you are here with me in the bright daylight

And you’ve awakened me with gentle sunlight.

You’ve placed before me an unknown road to follow;

Please give me courage so I don’t falter or stumble.

Though this day may be hard, please still be my trusted guide

And help me to walk in faithful confidence with my head held high.

Becky’s Haiku: Rise and Save


I rise to face a

New day and see a special

Blessing God had saved.

I have just attempted yet another haiku challenge from Ronovan Writes blog using the words “rise” and “save”. I am enjoying the challenge of trying to use such seemingly different and even opposite words in such a short poem. These prompts from Ronovan can really be a challenge to the mind.  If you like poetry challenges and haiku’s then I invite you to also accept his latest challenge at this link:


Remaining GRATEFUL


Gladness enabling the heart to cheerfully sing.

Remembering God’s promises and many blessings.

Able to smile and wipe the tears away.

Thankful for the gift of another dawning day.

Eager yet quietly content to be

Faithfully believing in hope, heaven, and eternity.

Unhurried and not worried about trials of tomorrow.

Living each moment today and choosing to be joyful.

Becky’s Cinquains; Mountains, Woods, and Flower



While following a poetry challenge book, I was told to write a cinquain and so I wrote three of them. This is a poem written in 5 lines. The first line is a one word title which must be a noun. The second sentence contains two adjectives describing the title of the poem. The third line consists of three verbs ending in “ing” which relate to the title and the fourth line is a phrase also describing the title. And finally, the last line is a one word noun which is a synonym for the title of the poem.


Rocky, rugged

Climbing, Hiking, Sightseeing

Surrounded by forest greenery



Leafy, green

Hiking, walking, strolling

Towering trees and chirping birds



Vibrant, colorful

Sprouting, growing, blooming

Blossoms in the springtime


Becky’s Haiku: Bust and Must


To bust a day of

Deep darkness I must choose to

Dwell in God’s goodness.

I have just attempted yet another haiku challenge from Ronovan Writes blog using the words “bust” and “must”. I am enjoying the challenges.  If you like poetry challenges and haiku’s then I invite you to also accept his latest challenge at this link: