Monthly Archives: May 2016

Message of the Silent Sun


Shimmering over the glistening water

Is the glowing distant sunset

Casting down a glimmering reflection

Of vivid yellow and gold.

Sitting above the shadowy tree line

 Appearing suspended as it hovers

While mirroring a watery reflection below.

Oh how since creation of this universe that brilliant orb

Has kept its assigned place through the centuries,

Decades and years; months, days, and hours.

The ancient star today remains in silent yet illuminating continuation.

As if prodding me to also persevere and endeavor

In this journey of life in quiet peace and hopeful celebration.

Becky’s Haiku: Rein and Quest


Holding tight to reins of

Control; found I must let go

While on quest of hope.

I have just attempted yet another haiku challenge from Ronovan Writes blog using the words “rein” and “quest”. I am enjoying the challenge of putting different and even opposite words in such a short poem.  If you like challenges and haiku’s then I invite you to also accept Ronovan’s latest challenge at this link:



Sun shimmering light brightens the crystal blue sky

Purple lilac blossoms emitting their fragrant perfume.

Rain fed grass glistens like sparkling green Depression glass.

Ivy plants and trees sway ever so softly in the breeze.

Nesting robins call and sing forming a musical chanting ring.

Gentle warmth surrounds me like a soft cloak of perfect peace.

Dandelions dot the emerald lawns displaying their lemon hue at morning’s dawn.

A quiet walk along the tranquil street proves to be a pleasant journey.

Yielding my still heart and mind to the presence of God; holy and divine.

Cloudy Cloudy


Cloudy cloudy;

The sky is gray and pouty

Threatening to weep and rain.

Hidden from sight

Is the sun’s orbed light

As raindrops fall again.

Thunder, thunder

And flashes of lightning wonder

Peal across the darkened sky

Streaking crooked paths

Against the cloudy mass

In electric zigzag light.

Rainbow, Rainbow

Arching over the dewy green meadow

After a long and stormy night.

Inspiring chirps of gladness and hope

across the forested slopes

Beneath the blue crystal sky.

Morning Prayer


As I quietly pause to pray,

I asked Jesus to be with me today.

For at the start of each morning

I am preparing for a new day’s journey.

What each day has in store

Is only known by the Lord.

Must keep on trusting him

To lead me safely home each evening.

Where I can sit and be at rest;

With gladness and peace I am blessed

As I know by faith God is still with me;

Holding and keeping me for eternity.

Becky’s Haiku: Lightning and Rain


Lightning flashed across

The stormy sky while rain dripped

And drizzled outside.

A dark and gloomy

Day filled with clouds and peals of

Thunder claps aloud.

Tis nice to remain

At home inside where I can

Watch the storm and hide.

I just attempted another of Ronovan’s Haiku challenge using the words “lightning” and “rain”.  For this and more Haiku challenges you can visit:


Pressing Forward


Stepping towards each tomorrow,

Set aside sorrow;

Let hope reign for the future.

Days and nights will soon follow

Beneath sun’s shadow

And the pale moon’s faint glimmer.

Let joy enter that hollow

While peace, like marrow,

Fill the heart’s deepest chamber.

Another Gloomy Day?


Clouds were thick and gray;

Dreary morn to my disdain.

Even so, God told,

“Do not be dismayed.”

Quietly I sat to pray

For his help to cope

On this darkened day.

He then brightened my pathway

With his Light of Hope.

Isaiah 41:10 (Holy Bible New International Version):

“Do not fear for I am with you; do not be dismayed for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help me: I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.”