Monthly Archives: August 2016

Wind Whispering to Me


Soft wind flows whispering to me;

Ever so gently branches sway in the breeze.

I pause to listen and to quietly see

That soft wind blowing and whispering to me.

So tenderly the wind filters the trees

As the pines swish and dance beneath the gleam

Of a warm and radiant sunbeam.

The lofty heavens span out like a vast sea

Where waves swell and rise majestically

Only to shrink into a placid pool of tranquility.

Endless sky blankets the earth in an aquamarine canopy

So silently crowning the waving evergreens

As the wind continues to whisper to me.

I sit in contented silence to just quietly be

Still and secretly enchanted by the whistling breeze;

What is the wind saying? What could the message be?

How I did ponder under the awning of the windswept trees.

Softly blowing, gently moving, I could feel and see

The mysterious wind faintly whispering to me.

How noise and clatter of this world can be displeasing

While trials and troubles seem never ceasing

But as I waited, the gentle wind whispered to me:
“Just be still and treasure this moment of peace.”

Once again, I participated in a large collaboration: Poets for Peace. Many have contributed to this and you can read their poems at this link:

Becky’s Haiku: Reason and Rhyme


By reason summer

Fades to autumn splendor; rhyme

Conveys fall wonder.

I have just attempted yet another haiku challenge from Ronovan Writes blog using the words “reason” and “rhyme”. I am continuing to enjoy these challenges.  If you like challenges and haiku’s then I invite you to also accept Ronovan’s latest challenge at this link:


Final 10 days left to contribute to #PoetsForPeace Collaboration!

Reblogging this on Becky G? Oh That’s me. Thank you for all the updates about this!


Hello Everyone,

We are so happy with how far we have come with this collaboration. Not only did we surpass our expectations with our lovely community (we have close to 200 contributions!), we are getting published with the help of our friend Laura! To see more details on publications please click here.

We wanted to remind everyone that this is the final stretch… if you still want to contribute, please do so by clicking here #PoetsForPeace, and adding your piece in the comment section. Please also mail your permission to be published to Michael at when you post your piece. 

The collaboration will close on August 31, 2016, so join us today! Multiple contributions are welcome! Please remember to add your piece in the original collaboration post listed above. 

Please help us share this message through social media and reblogs using the #PoetsForPeace hashtag.


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Becky’s Haiku: Change and Mind


Waking to clouds and

 rain; started to get up but

 changed my mind again.

I have just attempted yet another haiku challenge from Ronovan Writes blog using the words “change” and “mind”. I am enjoying these fun poetry challenges.  If you like word challenges and haiku’s then I invite you to also accept Ronovan’s latest challenge at this link:

Choosing Peace


Each new day that I gently awake,

I have a choice to make.

I may wake up disgruntled,

In a foul mood and certainly not humble.

Or I might arouse feeling overwhelmed

By the list of endless tasks that must be done.

I may roll out of bed feeling a bit upset with a neighbor or friend

And allow that anger to occupy and reside

in my  vengeful heart and  restless mind.

Then I might journey through the day

Never ridding of the bitterness along the way.

I could open my eyes in deep sadness

When realizing another dream, my latest

Hope has been utterly and completely dashed.

And in doing so I neglect to gaze out the window

To see the shining sun or perhaps a rainbow

Arching in the sky after a night of storms;

And I don’t notice the wind gently cooling the earth.

I forget to call and say hi to a friend

Or to help and encourage someone

Who deeply needed to hear

Words of kindness to alleviate their hurt and fear.

I forget how God has created me

To reach out to others in tenderness, love, and peace.

It is by my own flawed human nature that

I focus on myself ever so selfishly

Seeing only how the day evolves around me.

But the Lord I know has a different plan

For me and for each of us living

 Beneath the forever vast and lofty heavens.

And that is to choose by faith

To wake each morning and live in his grace

Not doubting but in firm and steadfast belief

That we each have the ability to choose; to seek

 To live with each other in heartfelt friendship,

Love and everlasting peace.

I just participated in a new collaboration calling all poets to write about peace. This writing event takes place through August 31st and you can read more about it here:

Star Gazing

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Mars. Jupiter, and Saturn

Making celestial appearances

When gazing into the deep night sky

 While armed with my Stellarium app and camera.

I continue to ponder in wondrous awe

At the vastness of our Milky Way.

Finding numerous star clusters

As well as the heart and soul nebulae.

Searching ever deeper into

The vast darkness of space

I might find the far off Pinwheel galaxy

And I may spy that brilliant blue star, Spica.

Or, perhaps our nearest galactical neighbor, Andromeda.

I can search the deep heavens in star struck wonder

Never tiring of the distant hidden treasures

Which emerge in view after nightfall.

There was that time I stayed for nearly twelve hours

after high noon just to glimpse the strawberry moon.

For years with a sense of adventure,

I had often dreamt to be

Aboard that fictitious journeying vessel,

Star Trek’s spaceship, Enterprise,

Voyaging upon the dark ocean of space;

That forever vast night time sky.

Palms 8:3-4 (Holy Bible International Version):

“When I consider your heavens,  the work of your fingers,  the moon and stars, which you have set in place, what is mankind that you are mindful of them, human beings that you care for them?”

Note: Most of the photos you see above were taking while using the Stellarium app on my kindle fire except for the strawberry moon photo.

Becky’s Pantoum: Somewhere Deep inside the Forest


Somewhere deep inside the forest

Like sky-scraping statues stood a cluster of trees.

While the evergreens remained firm and steadfast,

Leafy limbs swayed in the whispering breeze.

Like sky-scraping statues stood a cluster of trees

As two chattering squirrels scurried about;

Leafy limbs swayed in the whispering breeze

While they clamored and climbed the forking boughs.

As two chattering squirrels scurried about

Spying enticing acorns dangling way up high;

 While they clamored and climbed the forking boughs,

The squirrels scampered toward the sunlit sky.

Spying enticing acorns dangling way up high

While the evergreens stood firm and steadfast,

The squirrels scampered toward the sunlit sky

Somewhere deep inside the forest.

Becky’s Pantoum: On a Warm Summer Day



While studying about poetry, I learned about a new form of poem known as a pantoum. Such a poem can contain a number of stanzas with each stanza making up 4 lines. The rule is to repeat the lines and in doing so link the stanzas together into a continuing story. Repetitive phrases begin in the 2nd stanza as the second and fourth lines of the first stanza become the first and third lines of the next stanza. Follow that pattern with each new stanza until the last. In the last stanza the 2nd and 4th line of the previous refrain still become the 1st and 3rd lines in the final stanza and then also the 1st and 3rd lines of the very first stanza become the 4th and 2nd lines of the last stanza respectively. The poem is linked together in one narrative, or story, with the very first phrase of the poem becoming also the conclusion.  

On a warm summer day

The lemon orbed sun had dawned

Stretching its transparent rays

To softly caress the ground.

The lemon orbed sun dawned

Waking the robins and chickadees to sing;

To softly caress the ground

While a twittering chorus does ring.

Waking the robins and chickadees to sing,

The sun continues to rise;

While a twittering chorus rings

Filling the endless prairie sky.

The sun continues to rise

Stretching its transparent rays;

Filling the endless prairie sky

On a warm summer day.

Becky’s Haiku: Hope and Up


In hope I depend

On Jesus, my friend; lifting

My eyes up to him.

I have just attempted yet another haiku challenge from Ronovan Writes blog using the words “hope” and “up”. I am enjoying the challenge of putting different and even opposite words in such a short poem.  If you like challenges and haiku’s then I invite you to also accept his latest challenge at this link: