Monthly Archives: May 2014

Daily Prompt: Weather Weather Affecting Me


Weather, weather, whatever it may be

Sometimes has a deep and profound effect on me.

If the wind is howling and it starts to snow

 I become Irritated if there is any place that I have to go.

If the rain is falling and the skies are dark and gray

Then I want to stay in bed and read the day away.

If crashing thunder and flashing lightening should come

Then I want to safely hide beneath a blanket in my tiny home.

If walking at twilight when the sunset is warm and brightly glowing

Then I want to hear the birds sing and the bullfrog’s deep throated croaking.

If late in the dark when the sky is clear and the moon is full and bright

I want to gaze and wonder about the stars and planets shining in the night.

If I awake and find warm sunshine brightening a vivid blue sky

Then I want to especially enjoy this day not letting it slip by.

Friday Verse Journal Proverbs 3:5-6

Very late in the night, as I sat here writing and trying to stay focused on God and his wisdom, I was reminded that I need to remain faithful and just trust in him. Later, this verse, which I memorized years ago came to me. I am so anxious for answers and for understanding now. I’m also anxious for problems to be solved now but God is wiser and I’ve been reminded many times that I tend to be very impatient.  So he wants me to wait… and trust in him.



Proverbs 3:5-6 (Holy Bible English Standard Version)

Trust in the Lord with all your heart,
    and do not lean on your own understanding.
In all your ways acknowledge him,
    and he will make straight your paths.

Edge of the Forest


Slender birches and elms tower in the blue lit sky

Quietly displaying their dainty green leaves

As their long armed branches silently

Wave In the gently blowing breeze.

A lone songbird chirps and sings deep

In the quietly sprawling woods

A sad and lonely melody which perhaps

No neighboring creature understood.

Like a dampened sponge, the lush grass green

Grass sinks beneath my bare, sunbathed feet.

As the sun’s warm and transparent rays

Wrap my arms while tinting my face and cheeks.

The  soft aroma of sun warmed pines, wildflowers and

other woodsy scents drift with the quiet breeze.

Such a tranquil and peaceful, summery day

Just sitting by this swaying forest of trees.

Quiet Green Eyes


Quiet green eyes remain riveted, hardly shifting

While silently watching me.

What could she be thinking as she remains so

Still, with her keen, silent eyes focused so intently?

She barely blinks with her piercing,

 wide eyed stare, deeply and steadfastly set

As her body remains perfectly poised

like a small, firmly placed statuette.

Quiet green eyes keep tracking me

As I work and pace busily to and fro

Finally I sit and my green eyed bundle of fur climbs on

My lap murmuring a soft and contented “meow.”

Dawn of a New Day



The glowing dawn sky resembled the start of a bright new day

Full of renewed faith that God has a wondrous plan to reveal along the way.

Whether it be clouds, rain, storm, or a brilliantly shining and rising sun,

A tiny seed of anticipation is planted deep inside the meditative and contented one.

Though yesterday was speckled with tears from hurtful disappointment and a lost love,

The ever compassionate Lord showers his goodness and blessings from the heavens above.

So begins a brand new day, although sometimes dark, frightful, and stormy it may be

A glimmering ray of hope is shining from here and into eternity.

Sunday Drive Roundup May 18, 2014

Finding Inspiration in Faith, Poetry, Family Stories, Photography, and in Healthy Eating

I named this  new Sunday feature on my blog page, Sunday Drive Roundup in remembrance of my dad who liked to take us all on long Sunday drives around the country side. It was always an enjoyable and relaxing time when we did this; he seemed to never worry about getting lost on those windy Wisconsin roads For some reason I was remembering those Sunday drives as I contemplated the starting of this section when I would surf or take a virtual “drive” around the blogosphere to discover new and interesting blog sites to share with my readers.

So, for the first installment of this feature I thought I would focus on the blog pages which I have been discovering in my recent Blogging 101 class. I met many interesting and talented bloggers who each have started very interesting, well-designed, and informative blogs. Therefore I want to feature some of those in this first Sunday Drive Roundup:

Easter Ellen shares personal stories, poetry and beautiful photography depicting her personal life and how through her faith and dependence on God, she strives to overcome. She really bares her heart and soul here and maintains her faith and trust in God. I am inspired by her openness and honesty in life as well as her strong and resilient faith:

Meredith continues her writing journey in this beautiful blog as she writes about faith, stories about family, shares recipes and spiritual insights. I find her writings and her faith to be very encouraging as I struggle to keep my faith in God. Here’s a peek at her blog site:

I am inspired by and enjoy seeing the beauty of this world through photography. I wish I was a better photographer and hopefully I will find more time to practice and improve in that area. But for now, here is another wonderful blog featuring inspirational and vivid photos from a photographer who enjoys sharing nature’s beauty. This blogger seems to be always awestruck by nature’s breathtaking beauty and never takes it for granted.  Take a look here:

Finally, I know I need to do better at eating healthy and leading a healthier lifestyle. I am taking steps to improve in this area of my life. Wouldn’t you know it? There was a blogger in my Blogging 101 class who has focused on healthy eating and healthy living for their blog. It is full of interesting articles, information, and recipes. There is so much to look at and study there about healthy eating and just being healthy. It is a great blog page to keep handy as a resource:

And there you have it, although a bit late because it is just after midnight here, the first Sunday Drive Roundup!

Sunlight at First Sight

When I originally wrote this poem, I actually wrote it in response to a daily post prompt at

When given this prompt, I actually sat there looking at a blank paper and then I thought about seeing the sunlight first thing in the morning and then these words came to me:



I awoke one quiet morn and saw vivid sunlight

gleaming through my window shade.

I then caught a glimpse of a brightened blue sky;

The beginning of a warm and glorious day.

With quiet and soothing contentment, I

Relaxed letting the stream of light fill my inner being

Chasing away the dreary darkness that

Tries to capture and keep hold of me.

That dreadful, chilling and evil darkness

Tries to chain my spirit; the depth of my soul

Along with my contemplative mind and thoughts

To a hidden place where hopelessness grows.

But alas the blackness of night is over and so

For another day the dreaded darkness has gone.

How welcoming to see that glowing burst

Of sunlight with the sweet chorus of birdsong.

Now with the sunlight quenching my thirsty soul

And filtering through this quiet day of my life,

I arise in anticipation as I wonder what other

Gentle blessings will I see before the return of night?

Friday Verse Journal Hebrews 11:6


In the trials of every day life; whether the day be easy or difficult, or whether I face disappointment, failure, or triumph, I need to remember to hold onto faith:



Adoration, belief, and trust

In Jesus, our friend, Savior and

True Son of God living in

Heaven and our hearts forever

Hebrews 11:6 (Holy Bible New International Version):

 And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him.





Admittedly, this is a very different post. When I started this blog, I had intended for it to be a place of hope, encouragement and inspiration to anyone who happens to visit and read it. And I do continue to do that but sometimes I hurt so much that I need to let it out even just briefly. Though I strive to hold on to faith and continue to be hopeful, I do have times when I am so down I can’t seem recover from whatever is hurting me. Once again, I see precious dreams that I held on so tightly come crashing down. I am just ever so reluctantly accepting that and it is hard, it just hurts I realize God is wiser and God has a plan but right now I am not seeing it; I am not seeing anything new on the horizon to lift me out of this. I have spent over 20 years helping others in many ways and trying to follow what I think is God’s will for me. Yet I still come home alone. Always alone. No one is there to love and help me. The chance to have love in my life is always taken away because somehow I am never good enough,  I feel hurt, defeated, and utterly broken. My heart just aches and the tears just come but no one here really gets the deepness of this; no one really understands. To be rejected over and over because I am not good enough just hurts, hurts, hurts. I do know that God will lift me out of this, I just don’t know when.


No love can I find to hold and heal me

No tender touch to comfort and soothe me.

All my dreams and hopes for love are shattered

And my aching heart is pierced and broken

Never to be whole and hopeful again.

Like a once vivid stain glass window

Laying in jagged pieces upon a dirt-filled floor

In an old forgotten church

The broken panes are strewn relentlessly

By a malicious and eerily whistling wind

 The window can never be mended and made whole again.

The once colorful fragments fade and splinter as

Time, dust and drenching rain assault them

And soon nothing is left as witness of that shattered

Tinted pane’s former inspiration in

Depicting a scene and pointing to heaven.

No hope of being rescued and mended

It silently slips away to nothing.

So too my tear-stricken heart has no more hope

Of being rescued and mended by love

So I feel destined to quietly fade away into oblivion

And no one will ever know who I really am or

who I could have been.