Monthly Archives: October 2017

ABC Poem: Autumn


Autumn, aromatically sweet

Before the arrival of a blustery winter scene.

Crowning of billowing trees,

Decorated and adorned,

Emerge in vibrant, resin-scented leaves.

Foliage overhead of lemon,

Green, mango-orange, and shades of gold.

Hovering sphere of light

In the deep sea-blue sky

Journeys from dawn to the arrival of dusk;

Kaleidoscope of sunlight brilliance

Luminating the marbled planet while

Marching on in measured time from

New moon to full moon and from

Onset of each new year and new season; its’

Pathway determined in ancient times.

Quivering rays of stretching sunbeams

Reach the autumn forest filled with

Swaying boughs of leaf-laden trees;

Translucent rays brightly display

Unified and blended scene

Vivid in rich hues of harmony

While the cooler wind softly blows.

X-ray vision silently reveals

Yellow, orange, and green veins hidden in minute

Zig-zag stripes in the cluster of autumn leaves

Now gently falling and floating in the

Softly flowing breeze.


Last night, I let my heart and mind

Sink low into futile depths

of hopeless misery

as the streaming sun

 dipped down

Below the far-off horizon;

under the darkened forest

Of resin-scented trees.

But today, I awoke and did rise

To watch that ancient orb of light

Climb steadily upward

filling the sapphire sky

over the same forest now

Richly crowned in brilliant jewels:

Golden, amber, and hints of

Ruby red autumn leaves.

So, with a prayer to the Lord,

Creator of heaven and earth,

And hope I heard from

 his everlasting word,

I let my mind and heart


to the awesome

heights and wonders of

God’s never-ending kingdom:

Filled with His

Glory, splendor, and majesty.