Monthly Archives: November 2015



Heavenward gaze

Over the twinkling stars in space.

Looking forward to see

Dreams become reality.

Internal spirit soars and thrives

Never giving up in life.

Going forward each new day

Onward along life’s unknown pathway.

Not forgetting who stays with me;

Trusting Jesus and choosing to believe.

Obstacles are triumphantly overcome;

Hurdles are trampled into the ground.

Optimistic view of the future;

Pressing in faith to endeavor,

Enduring in trust to persevere.

Friday Verse Journal Matthew 6:25-27


“Do not worry,”

The Lord quietly told me.

“Remember I am God, the Lord Almighty.

Do not worry,”

The Lord comforted the spirit within me,

“and I am your friend for eternity.

“Do not worry,”

The Lord continued to comfort me,

“and do not fear the darkness in the eve

When the sun drops below the distant trees

And the night dawns darkening the vast sky

While you try to sleep until the morning light.

I will stay in your heart and forever by your side;

And I am always with you as your life guide.

So do not worry

When rain and clouds are all you see.

As you awake peering out the window

And see in dismay what you fear most.

Remember instead and do not fear

I am with you; I am here.

Focus on now; focus on today

Lean on me as I lead you the way.

Do not worry about tomorrow

Or be troubled and filled with sorrow.

Let me walk with you and be your friend

Today, and every tomorrow into everlasting.”

Matthew 6:25-27 (Holy Bible New International Version):

“Therefore do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food and the body more than clothes?  And look at the birds of the air. They do not sow or reap or store away in barns and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? Can any one  of you by worrying add a single hour to your life?”

Becky’s Haiku: Life and Give


On earth, Jesus had

Lived to die for sins and life

Eternal to give.

I have just attempted yet another haiku challenge from Ronovan Writes blog using the words “life” and “give”. I am enjoying the challenge of trying to use different and even opposite words in such a short poem. These prompts from Ronovan are an enjoyable challenge.  If you like poetry challenges and haiku’s then I invite you to also accept his latest challenge at this link:



Together once again with family and many friends.

House is aflutter with enticing aromas, clanging pans, and laughter.

Abundant home baked delights camouflage the table from sight.

Nature adds the wintry cold and a pristine layer of fresh snow.

Kittens, dogs, and children happily scamper through the hectic kitchen.

Sounds of boos and cheers from a televised game fill the atmosphere.

Grandparents, aunts, and uncles attend with young and smiling cousins.

Intrigued and famished family members finally around the table gather.

Vibrant and lively celebration of peace, joy, and prayerful thanksgiving.

Invited and included too are the dear friends loved by you.

Never neglecting or forgetting God’s numerous blessings.

Gathered and united in love while watched by the Lord from above.

Becky’s Haiku: Cover and Color


The trees now bare were

Once covered with autumn leaves

Of vibrant colors.

I have just attempted yet another haiku challenge from Ronovan Writes blog using the words “cover” and “color”. I am enjoying the challenge of trying to use such different and even opposite words in such a short poem of only 17 syllables. These prompts from Ronovan can really be a challenge to the mind.  If you like poetry challenges and haiku’s then I invite you to also accept his latest challenge at this link:

The Need to Weep


Sometimes in life there is a need

To bitterly mourn and grieve

Or to quietly, even silently weep.

As not each and every day

Is a time to joyously celebrate

Or participate in a festive holiday.

For there are moments in life

As in the morning we arise

We are met with shock and strife.

Over a sudden and jarring event

That leaves us with inward discontent

And in a state of hurt and bewilderment.

Such as the loss of a dear loved one

Or that of our most faithful friend

And instantly we know, life will never be the same.

Also too we sometimes suddenly lose

All we have and the world we once knew

And our hearts cannot help feeling heavy and blue.

Suddenly the world before our eyes

Had changed too fast and so we sigh

Wondering about this changed new life.

“Now what is going to happen to me?

And how will this new and altered life be?

I need help to understand and see.”

Days pass by like a blurring parade;

Sometimes I awake feeling brave

But often I am very afraid.

Night time can be hardest of all

As I lay in bed as darkness falls

Feeling all alone with no one to call.

But somewhere inside is a deep desire

To rise again triumphant over the fire;

The flames of trouble and sticky quagmire.

Where I know I felt utterly trapped

By the dark side which need not last

As one bright day all will be in the past.

Time to rise up ever so victoriously

And choose to live in faith and believe

Good days are still ahead stretching into eternity.

So on this though gloomy and dreary day

I will arise and to the Lord will pray,

“Thank you Lord for helping me along the way.”

For it is he who guides my heart and my mind;

Showing me his grace time after time

Through showers of love and mercy intertwined.

That doesn’t mean life will be perfectly sweet;

There will be difficult days and troubled sleep

And that need to bitterly and quietly weep.

Then I remember Jesus is there when down I fall;

He is with me when the darkness swallows all

And will never leave until we stand again triumphant after all.

The Lord is my SHIELD


Surrounds and protects me with his Light

Helps and comforts me day and night.

Indwelling Holy Spirit

Enables me to see and hear him.

Living each moment by trusting him only.

Depending on him for all I need today and for eternity.

Becky’s Haiku: Haiku and Mind


Today as I sit,

Ponder and recline, a new

Haiku comes to mind.

I have just attempted yet another haiku challenge from Ronovan Writes blog using the words “haiku” and “mind”.  These prompts from Ronovan can really be a challenge.  If you like poetry challenges and haiku’s then I invite you to also accept his latest challenge at this link:

You are the Everlasting Lord


You are the everlasting Lord;

You make the sun rise

And hover in the vaulted blue sky.

You are the everlasting Lord;

You paint the glowing pink sunset

And let me know it is time to rest.

You are the Everlasting Lord:

You brighten each day with your light

Showing me which path to take; which way is right.

You are the everlasting Lord;

You are Creator of the heavens and earth

And each spring you create new life and give us rebirth.

You are the everlasting Lord;

You created the flowers and the trees

And pave the path for my daily journey.

You are the everlasting Lord;

You continue to watch from the heavens above

And live in my heart and instill me with your love.

You are the everlasting Lord:

You generously provide all that I need

As I trek through this world to my final destiny.

You are the everlasting Lord:

You watch over me as I sleep at night;

You stay by my side in case I awake in tears or fright.

You are the everlasting Lord;

You give us a heavenly view and new hope

Through the lens of your word; your own telescope.

You are the everlasting Lord:

You save and forgive me for all that I have done wrong

And wait to welcome me in heaven with praise and song.

You are the everlasting Lord;

Reigning forever and ever,

You are Lord.

Be Still


Be still and be enveloped by his peace.

Be still in prayer; for his love and forgiveness you’ll receive.

Be still as the morning light filters in;

Be still and let this day gently begin.

Be still in the lull and quiet moments of the day

For they are raindrops of blessings along the way.

Be still when the western sun rests on the horizon;

Be still to absorb his glowing love and affection.

Be still as you lay awake in the depths of night.

Be still and know he is Lord and everything will be made right.

Just be still.