Monthly Archives: January 2018



Pray in the morning and in the quiet interludes of the day;

Release to God all your cares and your worries along the way.

Enter and remain in God’s holy presence

Surrounded by his unchanging love and

Saturated with his all amazing grace.

Internal struggles that only he understands,

Now alleviated by his unseen yet compassionate hand.

Goodness and mercies, he has kept in store

Filter softly down in a warm sunlit shower.

Open heart and open mind to hear his word

Remembering he is God: Jesus is Savior and Lord

Who abides in you and promises to forever stay.

Advance and step now into the unknown future of this day

Remembering and trusting in him as you go;

Doubting never that God is everlastingly faithful.


Proverbs 3:5-6 (Holy Bible English Standard Version):

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and do not lean

on your own understanding.  In all your ways acknowledge

him and he will make straight your paths.”

Becky’s Haiku: Press and Touch



I pressed onward and

reached up high: I had hoped to

touch the vaulting sky.

Another haiku challenge from Ronovan Writes blog using the words “press” and “touch”. If you like word challenges and haiku’s, then I invite you to also accept Ronovan’s latest challenge at this link and have fun:

Becky’s Haiku: Magic and Hope


New day dawns; morning

bright sun. Like magic, hope stirs

to waken the soul.

Another haiku challenge from Ronovan Writes blog using the words “magic” and “hope”. If you like word challenges and haiku’s, then I invite you to also accept Ronovan’s latest challenge at this link and have fun:


ABC Poem: Winter

Arctic blast of frigid air

Blustery winds; days no longer warm and fair.

Carpet of white blankets the ground;

Descending showers of flakes cascading down.

Elegant snow-laced branches sprout from the bare trees;

Forest now stripped of its lavish autumnal canopy

Grass once green as an emerald jewel

Hidden and withered by winter’s abrupt arrival.

Icicles droop, lengthen and stretch

Jutting downward from the roof’s shingled ledge.

Kelly green leaves no longer seen; absent also

Lemon-tinted foliage with hues of maroon, and burnt amber gold.

Moon, bright and full, keeps watch over the barren land;

Night time sky filled with glistening stars vibrant and grand.

Overlooking the strangely quiet cluster of leafless trees,

Pines tower proudly upward, resolute as ever.

Quiver, they may in the wintry wind’s brutal wake

Resisting the icy claws of the lashing breeze;

Still yet clinging to their needles of jaded green.

Tinted vaulting canvas of heavenly blue basks

Underneath the cold sunlight’s downward view.

Virgin, untouched snowdrifts like perfectly shaped sculptures;

White-capped fields covered with unblemished designs in nature.

Exhilaration and delight capture the

Young at heart and old alike with

Zeal and wonder of winter’s pristine presence

amidst the frigid arctic season.