Monthly Archives: August 2014

God’s Night Light in the Sky


One night I gazed into the darkened sky and saw the fullest moon shining so bright.

It was God’s lesser light you may see to rule at night over land and sea.

It was his night light which he purposed to be glowing brightly as I quietly sleep.

For God’s silent presence fills the night air to comfort me and chase away my fears.

God’s night light shimmers in the blackened sky to fend off evilness lurking in the still night.

He has promised to faithfully stay nearby to keep me safe until the dawn of morning light.

It is his night light you must see glowing ever brightly for you and me.

God keeps all his promises you should know so we would believe and never let go.

Yes it is God’s night light in the sky to brighten up the deepest, darkest night.

He turns on his night light just for you and me so we may clearly see and firmly believe.

He keeps his night light on in that darkened sky while keeping watch through the night.

So we may gently and peacefully sleep as God’s night light quietly shines over land and sea.

Friday Verse Journal Isaiah 26:3-4


Life has been busy and I have missed many days of posting. Right now, I am looking up and trying to keep trusting Jesus:


Holy Bible (English Standard Version):

“You keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on because he trusts in you. Trust in the Lord forever, for the Lord God is an everlasting rock.”

God is Whispering God is Whispering


God is whispering, God is whispering; you hear him in the wind and waving trees

You stop to pause and take a rest when suddenly you hear him in the swishing breeze.

God is whispering, God is whispering; his unseen spirit continues to move.

His eyes travel the earth watching those who to him remain steadfastly true.

God is whispering, God is whispering: can you hear him in the lofty air?

He stays nearby revealing himself to those in his trusting tender care.

God is whispering, God is whispering to every one wandering on this earth.

He longs to give us new life through a joyful second birth.

God is whispering, God is whispering; his eternal words are written down

In the Holy Book, in all creation, and on the hearts of those who will share his home.

God is whispering, God is whispering for everyone to be still and hear.

Through his Son he is calling. Can you hear him? Will you draw near?

Sunday Drive Round Up August 17, 2014



Once again, it is time to take a fun drive around the blogosphere and see what other bloggers are up to. So, to start off with, I went exploring for insightful posts about the art of writing and here are some helpful and interesting articles I discovered:

The Art of Writing

From Cristian Mihai I found this helpful article about finding your inner strength and writing for yourself. In another to words to write what you want to write about:

A Dose of Light Humor

Traveling further along, I also found a bit of humor along the way to brighten my day from a letter written to ‘Thing’.  I needed a little something to help me smile again. After all, laughter is often good medicine. This clever missive is written by Hugh’s News and Views:

Soothing Inspiration and Beautiful Music

And finally, I came across this gem of a post written by Meredith’s Musings about the true story of two ministers who sailed to America. In their eagerness to share along the way, they had to learn that salvation can never be earned. A beautiful hymn is also featured here which was soothing to my sometimes troubled and searching soul. It is a great post:

Guest Blogger: Angie



Some time ago, a fellow writer and blogger featured me as a guest on her blog. She featured me on her “Writing on the Sly” blog and here is the link for those who would like to see my guest spot:

Angie is one of those wonderful friends in my life who is so loving and encouraging. She is an inspiration to me and to many others. And for being a full time mother with a large family, I just am baffled at how she finds the time to keep writing but she does. Oh and did I say blogs? Oh, yes, I did because she has several blogs. Like me I think she has the idea that a blog needs to have a purpose or theme and that the blog needs to remain true to that purpose. In my own blog writing, I have seen that straying from my main theme seems to throw the readers off. I am trying to be very careful of this. As I continue on my own writing journey, I am also trying to take time to learn from you the reader. What is important to you when you take special time to read my blog? I do hope you are finding something worthwhile and valuable on my page. In the meantime, I will keep on practicing and improving my writings so that my work is worthy enough to be read by others.  Another common thread that Angie and I share is that we both like to write children’s stories and have hopes of publishing them. I think she is further along than I am in that venture.

To begin with, I really like her “Writing on the Sly” blog in which she writes about her own writing journey. She has a number of interesting articles there about her own writing process.  And it is encouraging to me to follow her unique writing journey:

Angie is also writing the blog, “A Window into Grief” in which she shares her family’s journey of grief after losing a son. It is a very deep and touching blog which others who have also suffered loss can relate to. I did not have the opportunity to be a mom and so I have not experienced the loss of a child. I can’t fully understand the deepness of her grief but she shares about it in her own beautiful words as she and her family continue through this grieving journey one day at time:


Finally, Angie also started a “Grieving with Hope” message board shortly after the death of her son for others who are grieving to have a place to go and to be able share:


I hope you find Angie’s beautiful writings to be an inspiration and encouraging today.

Keeping my HEART on Jesus


Also in my own quiet way I am trying to keep my heart centered on Jesus in my effort to push away the gnawing pain that keeps trying to seep it’s way in. I need to let Jesus, my only true hope, dwell and shine in there so that he can push all the darkness away:

Humble yet hopeful with
Earnest love and joyful
Admiration and anticipation of
Resurrected Jesus, the Only
True Son of God

Friday Verse Journal Psalms 16:5-6



Today, I am trying hard to keep my eyes and heart focused on the Lord and the goodness that he bestows on me. And today as I thumbed through a daily verse app on my phone, my mind suddenly recalled this gem of a verse which has instructed and comforted me before:

Psalms 16:5-6 (Holy Bible New International Version):

“Lord, you alone are my portion and my cup: you make my lot secure. The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; surely I have a delightful inheritance.”

My Ballerina Shoes



Several years have passed since this silly tale came true;

Of the time I wore my midnight black ballerina shoes

I was shopping one bright day with the sky so vividly blue

As I needed new shoes for the work I do

I needed to dress up and I needed to be casual too

So I went searching for a pair of black dressy but casual shoes

I searched the shelves and found my size

And I found these black, low heeled shoes, oh how wise!

Oh yes, short heels are just right for me

Otherwise I may topple most embarrassingly.

How I so wish I could be taller

but for safety I must remain flat-footed and smaller.

These shoes were open style slippers with thin straps

Which wound across my feet like slender wraps.

With delight I thought, “how so very cute

for they resemble ballerina shoes!”

I tried them on and since they fit oh just fine

I bought them and journeyed back into the sunshine.

I wore my new shoes to work and I wore them to church

Everywhere I went others did look and not just a few

I received many positive comments about my ballerina shoes.

“Oh look those are the cutest shoes

And your feet look so dainty in that midnight hue!”

I received compliments in the office, on the street and in the stairwell.

I heard so many nice comments that my small head began to swell.

I loved hearing such kind words all about me

That I wore my ballerina shoes ever so constantly

Even at church, as I hurried in late

A handsome usher’s eyes stared at my feet with his bright blue gaze!

Whether the compliments came direct or indirect,

I devoured them all, oh yes, I just ate them up!

Weather didn’t matter; sunshine, rain, or storm

I slid into those dainty shoes early every morn.

Then came winter with the north wind and bitter cold

And then arrived the frigid rain and drifts of snow.

I didn’t want to give up wearing my ballerina shoes

So I wondered and wondered what to do.

Oh I know, I’ll wear warm socks as black as my shoes

Oh, yes, now I will still look so very dainty and cute!!

So I kept on wearing my pretty ballerina shoes

With socks the color of dark midnight hue

And I couldn’t believe it, wouldn’t you know?

I received even more compliments, oh way to go!!

I so enjoyed looking so pretty and nice.

Isn’t it lucky that I didn’t fall on the ice?

I wore my favorite shoes through the winter, spring, summer and fall

Enjoying compliments from everyone in the elevator and the hall

For once at the waiting elevator, I stepped daintily inside

“Hey, I like your shoes!” exclaimed a woman holding groceries at her side

Oh, yes, my swelled head remained poised so incredibly high

With my heightened ego reaching the lofty sky!

But alas, what was I going to do?

For something was wrong with my pretty ballerina shoes

as the soles beneath have started to wear

And pebbles I could feel embedded in there.

Oh yes and cracks began to show through

My once pretty and dainty ballerina shoes!

I knew the end was coming all too soon

When I could no longer wear my ballerina shoes.

I vainly searched for another pair, oh how I tried

But none could be found and I so deeply sighed

I bought another pair of black slip on shoes

But they are not as dainty or nearly as cute

And with a soft sigh of dismay,

I reluctantly threw my ballerina shoes away.

And the dear Lord seemed to gently say,

“Good, that is enough of you

parading in  your ballerina shoes!”

Friday Verse Journal 1 Samuel 16:7b



Here is a verse that reminds me that God is not like man in that man puts so much emphasis on one’s outward appearance and physical beauty but rather he pierces  my inner being and gazes into my heart: He understands me better than I know myself.

1 Samuel 16;7b (Holy Bible New International Version):

“The Lord does not look at the things people look at. People look at the outward appearance but God looks at the heart.”