Monthly Archives: February 2014

Thinking About Spring

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Sunshine glistens above the baby-leafed trees as a gentle wind blankets the land and sea.

Purple violets and dandelions too sprinkle the lawn like morning dew.

Radiant rainbow arches high after a thunderous storm has left the sky.

Ivy leaves and new vines begin to sprout starting their journey up a white trellised house.

Nesting robins and joyous meadowlarks tweet happy melodies that warm the heart.

Gentle doe leads her spotted fawn across the wildflower covered meadow land.

In reference to my Winter’s Rainbow poem, I wanted to explain that those wintry illusions we see in the sky are often called sun dogs, but I like to call them winter’s rainbows. The first time, I saw one I was so amazed by it. I have learned since that time, to watch the sky whether it be during the day or at night because you never know when God will show you something awesome and inspiring. The picture that you see here is not the brightest sun dog that I’ve seen. I didn’t have a camera at that time so it only remains in my memory. These ‘rainbows’ illusions can occur when the temperature is very cold, say around 0 degrees F. or colder. Due to very cold temps this year, I have seen several of them in a short amount of time. It is as if God is giving us a ray of hope as we trudge through these very cold and wintry days. Here is a question, what do you find inspiring during the winter months?

Winter’s Rainbow


I awoke one early morning when the sky was like a crisp cold Arctic sea.

I donned my warmest attire and embarked on a lonesome journey.

The flat prairie around was covered by a sheet of frozen white snow.

As I traveled in the strange quietness, my eyes noticed the sun’s eerie glow.

Above the horizon of naked trees stripped of their garment of leaves,

I peered into the cerulean blue sky trying not to mind the biting, frigid breeze.

The sun sat low in its skyward climb transmitting the strangest glow.

It was a specter of blinding light surrounded by an arched blazing halo.

Though far away the glittering vision was as brilliant as I’ve ever seen.

It was a rare winter’s rainbow planting a seed of hope inside of me.

Through the remainder of the day I journeyed and toiled to the end.

And in my mind and heart, i held on to that vision, that dazzling and rare rainbow of the sun.

A Little About Me


I wanted to start this blog just as a way to share some little piece of inspiration and hope. I think we all need a bit of that. To begin with, I grew up in a very rural area of Wisconsin and lived on a small farm there. I went to a small school and Unfortunately, I was one of those kids who was teased a lot and put down for many reasons. My extreme shyness did not help matters. But when away from school, I did find comfort and a safe place to be with family and with the close friends I did have. I also found peace and comfort through faith in God and in nature.

How I wish that this world, could a beautiful passageway for us all. We all need a place to feel safe, sense God’s love, and be inspired. It is my hope that this simple blog could be a safe place for others to come and find some hope or inspiration in their day.  So, with this  blog, I aim to post a little poem, or a picture or at least a thought of inspiration for the day. And I hope that  this is somehow helpful and encouraging to others who may see my post today.