Monthly Archives: November 2014

Friday Verse Journal Psalms 100:3-4



Remembering God and Remaining Thankful

Although I am one day late on posting in my Friday verse journal. I still wanted to do so.  I took some extra time today to read God’s word,  pray, and to really think about how wonderful God is. And considering it is thanksgiving, my mind is still focused on the many things I have to be thankful for. And the only reason why I have so much to be thankful for is because God loves me and blesses me in many wonderful ways; his gifts are beyond generous and he is forever loving and gracious. To start with, God through his son Jesus has given me new life and I have the hope of living in heaven. I also have the freedom to worship, pray, and read God’s word whenever I want. I also come from a loving family and have many caring friends in my life.  And just when I need it most,  a friend or a family member comes along  to encourage me.  God abundantly provides for all my needs and I have a meaningful job in which I work and care for others so that they may live their lives as independently as they can. And God is always with me so that I am never alone.

Psalms 100:3-4 (Holy Bible New International Version):

“Know that the Lord is God. It is he who made us, and we are his; we are his people, the sheep of his pasture. Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise.”



Together once again with family and many friends.

House is aflutter with enticing aromas, clanging pans, and laughter.

Abundant home baked delights camouflage the table from sight.

Nature adds the wintry cold and a pristine layer of fresh snow.

Kittens, dogs, and children happily scamper through the hectic kitchen.

Sounds of boos and cheers from a televised game fill the atmosphere.

Grandparents, aunts, and uncles attend with young and smiling cousins.

Intrigued and famished family members finally around the table gather.

Vibrant and lively celebration of peace, joy, and prayerful thanksgiving.

Invited and included too are the dear friends loved by you.

Never neglecting or forgetting God’s numerous blessings.

Gathered and united in love while watched by the Lord from above.



Bible, the true story of God and his love for all mankind

Living Holy Spirit dwelling in the heart of each believing person

Everlasting life in the kingdom of heaven

Saved from old life of sin and eternal condemnation

Sisters, brothers, family, neighbors, and friends

Individual gifts and unique talents

Nature’s distinctive beauty in every season

God’s goodness, gentleness, and graciousness

Sanctuary of joy and prevailing peace in His presence

Sunday Drive Roundup November 23, 2014



Once again it is time again for another inspiring and adventurous ride around the blogosphere. As I take my virtual drive on the blogosphere highway, I never know what interesting treasures I will find along the way.

Today as I wandered along I found once again a few gems of poetry:

Sunday Musings by ForgottenMeadows:

The Voiceless Piano by Victoria Emmons:

Glory by Source of Inspiration:

And being someone who is interested in space exploration, I also found this interesting blog which presents a photo history of our progress in exploring space:

Spacecrafts and Rovers by tychogirl:

And always looking to improve my blogging skills, I came across this very interesting and insightful article on blogging tips in using social media:

Blogging Tips: How to use Social Media to Promote your Blog by Cooking with a Wallflower:


And there you have it, my latest recap of a Sunday drive around the blogosphere. I hope you find something here that is help or inspires you today.

Guest Writer Kathy B November 15, 2014




Today, i am showcasing a timely article written some time ago by my cousin Kathy B. She had written this piece while taking an online course  and was required to write about her birthday month. In her research, she managed to discover  very interesting historical facts and information all relating to the month of November. I was quite taken by this article and so enjoyed reading it. I hope you also enjoy this timely article about the month of November:

November in a Nutshell

     November means the ninth month as it was the ninth month in the Roman calendar. The zodiac or astrological signs for November are Scorpio for those born up until the 21st, and Sagittarius for those born in the last part of the month. The birthstone is the topaz and its flower is the chrysanthemum. November is the end of the harvest season and the unofficial start of winter. Our presidential and congressional elections are always held on the first Tuesday of the month.

Historical Events in November

Several states joined the Union in November including North and South Dakota, Montana, Colorado, Washington and Oklahoma The U.S. Marine Corps was founded on November10th, 1773, an important day in my family.. November11th, 1918 marked the official end of World War 1, also called the “Great War” and the “War to end all wars.” {I wish that was true.} In 1938, it was first celebrated as a holiday called Armistice Day, it was later changed to Veterans Day to honor all the brave men and women who have served in the Armed Forces. The Vietnam Memorial, a list of all military personal who were killed or were missing in action was dedicated on November 13th, 1982 in Washington DC. The “unknown soldier” was also buried there in 1921 at the Capitol Rotunda.

Inventions in November

Several inventions were patented or introduced in this month including the artificial leg in 1846, the first cash register in 1880, and the stereo radio in 1955. The National Broadcasting Company {NBC} first went on the air in 1926. Coincidently, Walter Cronkite was born ten years earlier, perhaps he worked for the wrong network.

  Abraham Lincoln and Thanksgiving

November was a very important month in the life of Abe Lincoln.  He was elected as our 16th President on November 6, 1860. Several things happened in 1863 during November. Sherman let Atlanta burn, Lincoln delivered his famous Gettysburg Address; Lincoln went to a play starring the man who would kill him 17 months later, John Wilkes Booth. What a bit of irony!  Lincoln declared Thanksgiving to be a National holiday in the midst of The Civil War in November, 1863. However, the first Thanksgiving was celebrated within the colonies on November 22, 1789

The history of Thanksgiving began about 150 years before with the voyage of the Mayflower carrying the Pilgrims. The Mayflower Compact was a way to set order to avoid more mutiny aboard the ship, it was a loose form of government to restore order. The Indians shared an autumn feast with the Pilgrims in 1621.

President Kennedy and other Historical Facts

On November 22, 1963, President John F. Kennedy was assassinated while riding in an open car in Dallas, TX. While on the plane back to Washington D.C. Lyndon B. Johnson was sworn in as our next President with Jackie Kennedy at his side. Lee Harvey Oswald was arrested the same day for his murder.  Oswald was shot and killed a few days later on his way to court by Jack Ruby.

Other random facts about November are hard to categorize.  Queen Elizabeth 11 married Prince Phillip on November 20th, 1947. In 1979, 63 hostages were taken by Iran. Utah was the second state to give women the right to vote on November 5, 1895.


I think my birthday month is an interesting one. A number of states were admitted to the Union: Colorado, North and South Dakota, Montana, Oklahoma and Washington. Many events of the Civil War and Lincoln’s life occurred in November as well. One of the greatest tragedies ever to our country was the assassination of our President Kennedy on November 22, 1963. Veteran’s Day and Thanksgiving are the important holidays.

Kathy’s References:

Sanders, B. (2006). November: Facts about November, Barbara’s Entourage, God, Family, and Friends: Welcome to my Humble Abode. Retrieved from

Zalevec, K. (2009, October 31). Trivial Facts about the Month of November: it isn’t just about Turkey, Stuffing, and Pumpkin Pie, Associated Content from Yahoo. Retrieved from




Becky’s Song: In the Beginning God was there



In the beginning God was there, he created the heavens and earth.

In the beginning God was there; he gave this world its’ watery birth.

In the beginning God commanded the light.

In the beginning God made this dark world so bright.


In the beginning, in the beginning,

God was there, yes God was there

In the beginning, in the beginning,

God was there and he is always here.

Verses 2 to 5:

In the beginning God made the vast blue sky

In the beginning he made the birds that soar and fly.

In the beginning God made the oceans, rivers, and seas

In the beginning, he made all the small and great fish you see


In the beginning, God made the land, flowers, and trees

In the beginning he made all the creatures that roam free

In the beginning God created mankind

In the beginning he made them to be like him


In the beginning God had a plan

In the beginning he had a way save man from sin

In the beginning God set his plan forth

In the beginning he purposed for Jesus to come to earth


In the beginning God sent Jesus to show his love

And to teach of his mercies from far above

In the beginning God destined his only son to come down

In the beginning he sent him to die wearing a crown of thorns


In the beginning, God was already designing a new home

For all who believe to come and live with him

In the beginning God so deeply loved man

In the beginning he had a plan to save all mankind.


Friday Verse Journal November 14, 2014

Being a LIGHT for Jesus


Living by leading the way

Into Jesus’ tender loving care

Graciously teaching God’s plan of forgiveness through his

Holy, living,  and truthful word

Tenderly showing the only path to everlasting life

Matthew 5:16 (Holy Bible English Standard Version):

Let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven.



Novembers’ begun

with the clouds and sun

and wind.

Coldness fills the air;

days no longer fair

but grim.

Thanksgiving will come

inviting everyone

to join

in fellowship sweet

and a turkey feast


November will end;

December begins


Each season its’ time;

that’s the ruling rhyme,

my friend.

The Changing Seasons of Time


Autumn leaves fluttered and fell like colorful snowflakes outside.

“Where had the summer gone,” I wondered and nearly cried.

Now that the leaves were gently littering the ground

I sighed knowing full well that winter must soon come.

I sat down to quietly think and reflectively contemplate

About time continuing on and how seasons of change do not hesitate.

Oh how I remember when I was so young

And winter then was so blissful and fun

The first snow would fall and I’d wake on Christmas morn

To discover gifts of love beneath the tree wrapped in lights and garland

Such memories flood of past holidays and quiet moments with family

When we all celebrated Jesus’ birth on Christmas Eve.

Then the long, colorless winters dragged ever so relentlessly on

Each day more frigid than the last, “Oh, winter, please hurry and be done.”

Fields and forests of falling and mounting snow

Accompanied by the howling wind; biting and bitterly cold

I must admit that a meadow of pristine, drifted snow untouched by man

Is a spectacular sight of frozen waves sculpted by God’s unseen hand

Wondrous too is the scene of glistening snow covering leafless trees

When barely touched by sunlight’s stretching gleam.

Sledding and building snow forts were the rage

For all of us who were still young at age

Finally, relief and hope would appear upon the horizon

As temps would climb and patches of snow began receding

Soon spring would appear, never fear, never fear

The first robin sings perhaps enchanting a family of resting deer

Warm rain showers the land clothing it in vivid lush green and

Sprinkling it with violets and daisies, while dandelions quietly creep in

Spring ushers in the steady warmth of a sultry, hazy summer

Humid days often a prelude to flashes of lightning and resounding thunder

Wide awake I’d lay in bed listening to the raging, drenching storms

Often anxious for my working dad who was yet not safely home.

The cooler summer days were a joy and a heavenly treat

The days were slower allowing for walks and restful peace

Then autumn swings its way into this gentle, settled life

Causing an unwelcomed stir with a wind of urgency and strife

No more warm evenings or long, quiet strolls along the road

                               Must now prepare for the bitter cold and the heaping snow.

But lo! Before chilling winter unceremoniously bursts through

I will first gladly enjoy autumn’s sweet fragrance and gently fading hues.

Sunday Drive Roundup November 2, 2014




Another late Sunday drive around the wonderful blogosphere where one can find many talented writers, photographers, and artists  displaying their creative and inspirational work. It is always a joy to see and discover something new.  It is a thought provoking journey to find that awakens a deep delight inside of me. Anyway, as I meander along two days, I soon stumbled some wonderful gems in photography, the art of writing, and  in hearing the children sing.


This blogger, Keeping up with Kailina, found gentle beauty in the deep gray skies:

Another photographer and blogger, NJ Corporate Portrait Photographer, found a breathtaking scene when discovering a huge rock:

Writing and Watching TV:

And here is a blogger and factual fiction writer, Bob Mayer, who writes about the importance of learning about the art of writing by watching TV:

More on Writing:

Also another blogger at Lit World Interviews, writes a helpful and practical article on finding ideas to write a book:

Hear the Children Sing:

Here is a beautiful video on the ChristianBlessings blog site showing children of Myanmar singing praises to God:


And there you have it, another Sunday Drive Roundup!! I hope you were able to find something here to encourage and inspire you today.