Becky’s Haiku: Charm and Look


Little snowfall is

A charm; a blinding blizzard

Then I’ll look alarmed.

I have just attempted yet another haiku challenge from Ronovan Writes blog using the words “charm” and “look”. These prompts from Ronovan can really be a fun challenge.  If you like writing poetry challenges and haiku’s then I invite you to also accept his latest challenge at this link:

3 thoughts on “Becky’s Haiku: Charm and Look

  1. the secret keeper

    I so agree with the assessment you made in your Haiku. You got me to laugh. I keep saying it is going to snow. My expectations are high. My alarm would actually be higher if I looked out and there my eyes meet with an exciting blast of a subtle blizzard. Keep expecting Snow but it never comes. So Far. Love your Haiku. Thanks for the Laugh and Smile. – jk 🙂


  2. beckyg1003 Post author

    Ha ha, well guess what? Snow did not come and did not come so I was convinced we would have a green Christmas. But I was wrong! The snow came!! The ground here is totally white. I even got stuck in it once already. This is not my favorite season but somehow must endure it.

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  3. the secret keeper

    We did get snow but not for Christmas. It amounted to more sleet and ice. Within a few days we could see the grass and there are only small piles of it left where the plows left them. I agree with you. Not my favorite season either. Any other one would do, esp. Spring. Love the colors when they start arriving and the changing colors of green on the tree leaves. They glisten. Bare with the cold and the snow. We only have 4 weeks and a few days until Ground Hog Day on Feb. 2nd. 🙂


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