Tag Archives: Poetry

Decima Poem: Finding Peace in Nature’s Quietness

Glowing flame crowns the silent trees
as the evening sun sits on
the far and distant horizon.
Tis a simple and quiet scene
to gaze upon serenity.
Such soothing gentleness imparts
a hidden smile touching each heart
of all those who seek to witness
the hushed splendor of nature’s rest;
peace found in its’ tranquility.


I just took the challenge of writing my first decima poem in which I must use the word “smile” in one of the “c” lines.  The poem is ten lines with the following rhyming pattern: abbaaccddc. Each line is 8 syllables. If you want to give this challenge try, here is the link to learn all about it:



Born with PURPOSE

Born to:
Please and enjoy being with God: to believe, honor, worship, and love
him daily for God loved us first.
Understand God: to grow in faith by knowing him more and more
with each new passing day.
Receive Jesus, His Son, as Lord and Savior who rescues us from our
sins and saves us from eternal death.
Perfect relationship with God while He continuously sculps and
reshapes us as his new creation.
Obey God’s good, right, and perfect commands as he leads our
lives in a new and meaningful direction.
Serve others by teaching, leading, loving, caring, and helping others
to also believe in him.
Everlasting life in glorious heaven with Jesus, our families and
friends to live in love, peace, and joy forever and ever.

Becky’s Pantoum: Sunlight on the Horizon

As sunlight glistens on the horizon,
while the shield of darkness quietly fades,
of powder blue the sky softly lightens
turning the dawn into glorious new day.
While the shield of darkness quietly fades,
as the stars one by one disappear,
turning the dawn into a glorious new day
casting a ray of hope upon the earth.
As the stars one by one disappear
into the dispersing cloak of night
casting a ray of hope upon the earth
spanning from early morn to eve’s twilight.
Into the dispersing cloak of night,
as the moon emits a pale and ghostly glow
spanning from early morn to eve’s twilight
barely visible in a shimmering shadow.
As the moon emits a pale and ghostly glow,
of powder blue the sky softly lightens,
barely visible in a shimmering shadow
as sunlight glistens on the horizon.

Becky’s Song: He’s Always Near

Verse 1:

God hears my prayers,

And calms my fears.

Yes, God hears my prayers;

He’s always near.

God comforts me,

And wipes away my tears.

Yes, God comforts me;

He’s always near.


He’s near me in the sunshine;

He’s still there in the moonlight.

And even when there’s no light,

God’s always near.

Verse 2:

God provides for my needs

and keeps watch over me.

Yes, God provides for my needs;

He’s always near.

God shows the way

And leads me home,

Yes, God shows the way;

He’s always near.


Verse 3:

Because he loves me so,

He’ll never let me go.

Yes, because he loves me so;

He’s always near.

I’ll praise his name,

And sing with all my heart.

 Yes, I’ll praise his name;

He’s always near




New day gently dawns;

early morning sun rests on the horizon.

Wakes the sleeping songbird;

he gladly sings, chirps, and trills.

Overhead the brightening sun climbs upward

piercing and dispelling the darkness of night.

Ever softly, a seed is planted in the heart

of a downcast soul;

birth of encouragement with

discovery of new hope.



Crystal blue sunlit skies;

Early Easter morning sunrise.

Leaves appearing; hints of emerald green

Enveloping the once barren trees

Branches reaching skyward and wild wood thickets;

Robins strumming, croaking frogs, and chirping crickets.

Aroma of a warm, refreshing rain;

Thunder rumbles occasionally on the horizon.

Evenings stretching into sun-gilded twilight;

Soft shimmering moon hovers in the starry night.

Purple violets dotting the grass-laden meadow;

Rabbits hopping and scampering squirrels

In the forest hidden by leafy boughs,

New fawn and doe quietly wandering about.

Gifts of new life and hope emerging: new treasures

found in the season of Spring.

Becky’s ABC Poem: Autumn


Autumn, aromatically sweet

Before the arrival of a blustery winter scene.

Crowning of billowing trees,

Decorated and adorned,

Emerge in vibrant, resin-scented leaves.

Foliage overhead of lemon,

Green, mango-orange, and shades of gold.

Hovering sphere of light

In the deep sea-blue sky

Journeys from dawn to the arrival of dusk;

Kaleidoscope of sunlight brilliance

Lightens and caresses the marbled planet while in

Measured time, earth orbits and rotates from

New moon to full moon and from

Onset of each new year and new season; its’

Pathway determined in ancient times.

Quivering rays of stretching sunbeams

Reach the autumn forest filled with

Swaying boughs of leaf-laden trees;

Translucent rays brightly display

Unified and blended scene

Vivid in rich hues of harmony

While the cooler wind softly blows.

X-ray vision silently reveals

Yellow, orange, and green veins hidden in minute

Zig-zag stripes in the cluster of autumn leaves

Now gently falling and floating in the

Softly flowing breeze.

A Quiet Journey

The soft wind brushed against my cheeks

while the sun wrapped my arms in a

blanket of warmth.

As I meandered near a cluster of pine

and deciduous trees;

I imagined walking along the

shoreline of the ocean and seeing

the rolling waves rise and tumble with

a reverberating thunderous roar.

Witnessing the water pile up and swirl

with a majestic life of its own;

I could watch and be

mesmerized by it all day long.

But no, here I am in a quiet,

tranquil place strolling along

a lonely road where in the eve

of the autumnal season

wildflowers have started

to wither and go to seed.

There is a hint of scattered,

turning leaves even though

it is summer, still.

I continued my journey

going around a bend traveling

up and down an occasional hill.

As I pass by the placid forest

I can hear the chirping of the

crickets’ unseen chorus.

Tis really an aimless venture

with no purpose but to think and

ponder. But finally, as I

strolled while getting lost

in the labyrinth of my own


I decided just to enjoy this

journey with a thankful heart

and a mind intent on

capturing the peacefulness

of this day as it leads into

the twilight of a gentle

and solemn conclusion.

Finally, the sun is dipping

Downward ever so softly

on the horizon;

casting a gentle pink glow

across fields and meadow.

This quiet day, indeed,

has come to a soft and gentle end.

Becky’s Haiku: Choice and Faith

Trust in the Lord or

let doubts rise and sway; faith is

a choice each new day.

Another fun haiku challenge from Ronovan! This time using the words “choice” and “faith”. If you like word challenges and haiku’s, then I invite you to also accept Ronovan’s latest challenge at this link and have fun: https://ronovanwrites.wordpress.com/category/haiku-prompt-challenge/