Tag Archives: zig-zag stripes

Becky’s ABC Poem: Autumn


Autumn, aromatically sweet

Before the arrival of a blustery winter scene.

Crowning of billowing trees,

Decorated and adorned,

Emerge in vibrant, resin-scented leaves.

Foliage overhead of lemon,

Green, mango-orange, and shades of gold.

Hovering sphere of light

In the deep sea-blue sky

Journeys from dawn to the arrival of dusk;

Kaleidoscope of sunlight brilliance

Lightens and caresses the marbled planet while in

Measured time, earth orbits and rotates from

New moon to full moon and from

Onset of each new year and new season; its’

Pathway determined in ancient times.

Quivering rays of stretching sunbeams

Reach the autumn forest filled with

Swaying boughs of leaf-laden trees;

Translucent rays brightly display

Unified and blended scene

Vivid in rich hues of harmony

While the cooler wind softly blows.

X-ray vision silently reveals

Yellow, orange, and green veins hidden in minute

Zig-zag stripes in the cluster of autumn leaves

Now gently falling and floating in the

Softly flowing breeze.