Becky’s Haiku: Think and Fresh


How each year I think

Of winter’s end wishing for

 The fresh start of spring.

Once again, I have just attempted another haiku challenge from Ronovan Writes blog using the words “think” and “fresh”. They are such a fun challenge! If you like poetry and haiku’s then I invite you to also accept his challenge at this link:


6 thoughts on “Becky’s Haiku: Think and Fresh

  1. Ronovan

    You know, I of course get the nature aspect of this, great by the way, but when I named it in the review, as I am doing at this moment while creating this very long run on sentence I thought of how this could apply to ones personal life in various experiences of the death of some aspect of emotional being while wishing for that new sprout of a wonderful thing to bring you joy. Yeah, I get weird thinky at times. 🙂


  2. Pingback: Ronovan Writes Weekly #Haiku #Poetry Prompt Challenge 46 Review | ronovanwrites

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