Daily Archives: May 23, 2015



Guide and teacher of God and his amazing love.

Ever passionately kind to help the sick, the mute, and the blind.

Never forsaking, never forgetting; always loving, always forgiving.

Trustworthy and wise, he softly wipes the tears from our eyes.

Listens with tender care to our silent and unseen prayers

Empathic and understanding while remembering his time of suffering.

Savior of all who have sinned as we are drawn closer to him.

Healer of the broken heart and soul, making us stronger and whole.

Eternally and forever faithful, never leaving or letting us go.

Protective shield through every storm keeping us safe from harm.

Hears and sees our tears; knows all our pains through the years.

Everlasting and loving friend on whom we can always depend.

Rescuer and redeemer who saves us for life forever after.

Deliverer of never ending hope and lasting peace for our souls.