Tag Archives: alliteration

Another Limerick Just for Fun



Well, after some more contemplating,the little kid inside of me got all stirred up and, consequently, another limerick came to mine. This one contains a journey and an alliteration but is quite silly. However, I did have fun writing it as I imagined a happy little boy hopping and skipping down the street:

Jumping Joey

Jumping Joey went on a journey

Jolly jumping down Juniper Alley.

Joey was so jolly;

He jumped up, my golly

and jolly jumped back home eating jelly.

Poetry 201 Assignment 2: Limericks, Journey, and Alliteration


Pics from Camera 2-8-2015 380

Okay, I am in day two of this poetry class and our assignment is to write a limerick containing a journey and alliteration. Limericks are known to be humorous and writing humor is quite a challenge for me. And composing one limerick with a journey and alliteration was a bit much so I wrote two separate limericks to accomplish this assignment. One focuses on a journey I once embarked on while the other limerick as an attempt at a more humorous alliteration. Do you think I completed the assignment correctly? I will say, I had fun creating these two short poems and I hope you enjoy them.


Surprising Journey

One day I began a journey

When it was cold and blustery

In the sky I gazed

And was quite amazed

To see a sundog watching me


Bessie Boo

Bessie Boo bought ballerina shoes

Dyed in black and blinding blue

She met a bashful knight

Who could not dance just right

And banged her toes all black and blue