Writing 101 Day 5: Where is My Home?


I am a quiet wanderer walking alone;

Each new day I seem to follow the same lonely road.

I arise from bed and journey through the day

Working and resting along the way.

Some days are predictable and I know just what to do

While others present obstacles and I barely pass through.

Some mornings are full of warm temps and a bright shining sun

While others are filled with storms and never just one.

For through life I meet tempests of many kinds;

Some are outside while others linger and rage in my mind.

One of the battles that wrestles inside of me

Is finding my home; where in life I am meant to be.

For I have moved and wandered from one place to another

And I stop for a while hoping I’ve found what I was searching for.

But in every place I stay, it is the same wherever I go;

I live this quiet life whether it be sunshine, rain, or snow.

For I fall into the same rut and habits of life

Hoping that somehow things will be different this time.

And there are wondrous moments where wider I open my eyes

To see that my loving God has in store a delightful surprise.

Such as following a new path beneath the warm sun

Or a sudden encounter with an old friend.

Climbing to the top of a mountain peak

And viewing a new, breathtaking scene.

Also hearing a new message from my Lord

While pausing to read and reflect on his word.

Although there are some hardships but that’s nothing new

For everyone who loves the Lord faces hard trials too.

And that is the time to believe and trust in God some more

Knowing that our faith in him will become even stronger.

And now through quiet prayer and thinking, God has revealed to me

My true home is whenever I am with him and can quietly be.

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