Tag Archives: everlasting life

Born with PURPOSE

Born to:
Please and enjoy being with God: to believe, honor, worship, and love
him daily for God loved us first.
Understand God: to grow in faith by knowing him more and more
with each new passing day.
Receive Jesus, His Son, as Lord and Savior who rescues us from our
sins and saves us from eternal death.
Perfect relationship with God while He continuously sculps and
reshapes us as his new creation.
Obey God’s good, right, and perfect commands as he leads our
lives in a new and meaningful direction.
Serve others by teaching, leading, loving, caring, and helping others
to also believe in him.
Everlasting life in glorious heaven with Jesus, our families and
friends to live in love, peace, and joy forever and ever.

Friday Verse Journal November 14, 2014

Being a LIGHT for Jesus


Living by leading the way

Into Jesus’ tender loving care

Graciously teaching God’s plan of forgiveness through his

Holy, living,  and truthful word

Tenderly showing the only path to everlasting life

Matthew 5:16 (Holy Bible English Standard Version):

Let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven.

Learning to be CONTENT


Calm temperance and being at quiet peace
with how God had lovingly made me.
Open-minded and patient with God’s perfect will
which over darkness and evil will prevail.
Not being envious nor deeply desiring
fine splendid things which this world is offering.
Trusting in God’s timely and gracious provisions;
his love, unending mercy, and sovereign wisdom.
Eyes firmly focused on the Lord Jesus Christ
bound in unshakable hope of everlasting life.
Never forgetting God’s ultimate plan for me and you;
remembering his promises will all come true.
Thankful heart while living in God’s good grace
knowing one day we’ll see him, face to face.