Tag Archives: purpose

Born with PURPOSE

Born to:
Please and enjoy being with God: to believe, honor, worship, and love
him daily for God loved us first.
Understand God: to grow in faith by knowing him more and more
with each new passing day.
Receive Jesus, His Son, as Lord and Savior who rescues us from our
sins and saves us from eternal death.
Perfect relationship with God while He continuously sculps and
reshapes us as his new creation.
Obey God’s good, right, and perfect commands as he leads our
lives in a new and meaningful direction.
Serve others by teaching, leading, loving, caring, and helping others
to also believe in him.
Everlasting life in glorious heaven with Jesus, our families and
friends to live in love, peace, and joy forever and ever.

A Quiet Journey

The soft wind brushed against my cheeks

while the sun wrapped my arms in a

blanket of warmth.

As I meandered near a cluster of pine

and deciduous trees;

I imagined walking along the

shoreline of the ocean and seeing

the rolling waves rise and tumble with

a reverberating thunderous roar.

Witnessing the water pile up and swirl

with a majestic life of its own;

I could watch and be

mesmerized by it all day long.

But no, here I am in a quiet,

tranquil place strolling along

a lonely road where in the eve

of the autumnal season

wildflowers have started

to wither and go to seed.

There is a hint of scattered,

turning leaves even though

it is summer, still.

I continued my journey

going around a bend traveling

up and down an occasional hill.

As I pass by the placid forest

I can hear the chirping of the

crickets’ unseen chorus.

Tis really an aimless venture

with no purpose but to think and

ponder. But finally, as I

strolled while getting lost

in the labyrinth of my own


I decided just to enjoy this

journey with a thankful heart

and a mind intent on

capturing the peacefulness

of this day as it leads into

the twilight of a gentle

and solemn conclusion.

Finally, the sun is dipping

Downward ever so softly

on the horizon;

casting a gentle pink glow

across fields and meadow.

This quiet day, indeed,

has come to a soft and gentle end.

Friday Verse Journal: Colossians 3:15

Thankful for….

Thankful for a glorious new day;

Thankful for the sun and the rain.

Thankful for the blue sky and the clouds;

Also, when the sun rises and gently goes down.

Thankful for the mountains, the meadows,

And the hills covered with emerald jeweled forests.

Also for the rippling lakes and rumbling oceans where

In the grain-sifting sand, my feet can sink and rest.

Thankful for the twittering birds of the air

and for butterflies fluttering here and there.

Thankful for close friends and family;

Thankful for the holidays when we meet

And the lifetime of cherished memories.

Thankful for their encouragement and their words

And the sweet moments locked forever in my heart.

Thankful for God, our Heavenly Father

Who reigns above forever and ever

And who so did love man

That he authored a lasting plan

To save us from our sins and from

Our many worldly and selfish whims.

Thankful for how God gives life purpose

For each new day with his mission; his focus.

Thankful for Jesus, His Son, and my Savior

And the hope he gives for an eternal future.

Thankful for the Lord who is always listening

And generously showers us with his blessings.

Thankful for the night when I can rest and sleep

Knowing Jesus is lovingly watching over me.

“And let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts to which indeed

you were called… And be thankful.”

Colossians 3:15 (Holy Bible ESV)

Blogging 101 and Writing 101: A Letter to my Visitors



Welcome to my personal blog and I am so happy you dropped by. I was recently given the assignment to blog about “Why I write.” It is my hope that you find something that you enjoy here. I now have been blogging on this site for a little over a year. I use this blog site as an avenue of expressing myself through writing poetry and some stories. I also try to share some of my photos. I tend to be this very introverted person who is leading a very quiet life most of the time. I try to be more extroverted but that is often quite a challenge for me to do. I go to work almost every day and have contact with co-workers and some very close friends. I also keep contact with family and visit them when I can. But at times I will try to be more outgoing or something. If I do seem to become somehow too outspoken or say the wrong thing, it doesn’t take too much to knock me down and I just disappear for a while; sometimes a long while depending on the situation.

Anyway, about a year ago, I became very frustrated with myself being stuck in this shyness cocoon where I am too afraid to come out and just be myself.  I felt I had neat things to share and needed someone to share them with. So I got this great idea to try blogging. I set up my blog on WordPress but then didn’t know what to do with it. So I read and studied up on blogging to see what it was all about. I also visited other blogs to see how it was done. I found blogs on all sorts of subjects. I learned that a blogger needed to write with a purpose and maintain a consistent theme. That way, readers may become familiar the type of blog one writes and come to know what they may expect at one’s blog site. I then arrived at the idea of using my blog to share my poetry and to hopefully, be upbeat and encouraging to others. So I came up with the theme, “on a quest to find inspiration in everyday life.” It is often too easy for me to become downtrodden and discouraged. So,  I am on this personal quest to discover inspiration for myself and for others who might want to follow my blog.

Keeping up with the blog is very motivational for me as well as a challenge as I do go through dry spells. But overall, I tend to write poems and try to share interesting stories as a way to share a piece of myself. I write about my faith, things I find in nature that inspire me, and some personal stories. I continue to hope that all who visit find something that might encourage them. Blogging has become a winding and spiritual journey; I hope you enjoy seeing a piece of my blogging journey. Thank you again, for visiting my blog and may you be blessed in a very special way today.