Tag Archives: night

Becky’s Pantoum: Sunlight on the Horizon

As sunlight glistens on the horizon,
while the shield of darkness quietly fades,
of powder blue the sky softly lightens
turning the dawn into glorious new day.
While the shield of darkness quietly fades,
as the stars one by one disappear,
turning the dawn into a glorious new day
casting a ray of hope upon the earth.
As the stars one by one disappear
into the dispersing cloak of night
casting a ray of hope upon the earth
spanning from early morn to eve’s twilight.
Into the dispersing cloak of night,
as the moon emits a pale and ghostly glow
spanning from early morn to eve’s twilight
barely visible in a shimmering shadow.
As the moon emits a pale and ghostly glow,
of powder blue the sky softly lightens,
barely visible in a shimmering shadow
as sunlight glistens on the horizon.

Lesson in the Wind


Wind whistling with the

waltzing trees, lofty whispers:

eerie to perceive.

Trees swirl in rhythmic

flair as sound of the wind’s whirl

pierce the heart and air.

How the wind has such

temper to serenade us

with woeful banter.

During storms at night,

how I lay in silent fear waiting

to see morning light.

Wild shadows outside

my window unnerves me as

wind shrieks, howls, and blows.

Nothing to do in

the darkness but to be still

and quietly rest.

It’s my decision

to trust in the Lord’s plan and his

promised provision.

Or to lament and

fret instead as I cringe with

worry on my bed.

The fierce wind, though, is

a reminder of things in

life I can’t control;

need to trust in faith

to let Jesus lead the way

and gently let go.


Becky’s Haiku: Night and Sneak

Night has fallen but

in the twilight, moon sneaks out

shining its’ pale light.

Another haiku challenge from Ronovan Writes blog using the words “night” and “sneak”. If you like word challenges and haiku’s, then I invite you to also accept Ronovan’s latest challenge at this link and have fun: https://ronovanwrites.wordpress.com/category/haiku-prompt-challenge/

At First

At first, the sun ascended the winter sky.

the day then declared, banishing the dark;

the deep hours of persistent night.

At first, the new snow fallen sparkled

under the light of the shining sun

as if brilliant diamonds were

dispersed in the white frozen surface.

And soon a solitary hare and a squirrel

jumped and ran about on a

creation of ways that interweave

across the ice-crusted pale ground.

At first the oaks, the elm trees,

and the trees of maple,

removed bare of their clothes,

their perfumed autumn garments of resin,

stood resolute to guard this silent scene

where, in the end, there remains

a soft calmness across the ghostly drifts

of twinkled whiteness.

At first a search in the quiet mind:

the trip begins of the thoughtful one

where the heart leads the soul to a

place of relaxing peace.


Christians near and far

Herald the birth of our Lord;

Remembering the singing angels,

Immanuel laying in a manger;

Starry, most holy night.

Traveling wise men also came

Many miles beneath the guiding star

Across the desert mountains and the plains;

Seeing at last this most holy sight.

Tending shepherds watched

In reverent wonder and awe,

Mary and Joseph quieting kneeling;

Eternal king and savior peacefully sleeping

 while bringing us his goodness and light.

Remembering the

Savior’s birth who brought us hope

and peace here on earth.

Merry Christmas to all!!

Becky’s Haiku: Spook and Night


Spooks and goblins here

and there beneath Halloween

night’s glowing moon stare.

I have attempted a new haiku challenge from Ronovan Writes blog using the words “spook” and “night”. This is often a fun challenge for those who like writing short poems.  If you like word challenges and haiku’s, then I invite you to also accept Ronovan’s latest challenge at this link and have fun: https://ronovanwrites.wordpress.com/category/haiku-prompt-challenge/

In a Whisper of Faith

In a whisper of faith, God calms the raging storms.

In a whisper of faith, God diffuses the troubles of life;

In a whisper of faith, God instills peace amidst the strife.

In a whisper…

In a whisper of faith, God shields me from the searing heat.

In a whisper of faith, God is in the wind sifting through the trees;

In a whisper of faith, God surrounds me in a cool, gentle breeze.

In a whisper…

In a whisper of faith, God protects me from the frigid, wintry cold.

In a whisper of faith, God wipes away my tears in the deep, dark night;

In a whisper of faith, God watches over me until the dawn of morning light.

In a whisper…

Becky’s Rondel: One Moonlit Night


I peered into the moonlit sky one night

Which was not black but rather a metallic blue;

In that sea of a rich royal hue

The full moon displayed a brilliant light.

As if to outshine the sun’s blazing and vibrant daylight

That over the hours of day since ancient times has ruled.

As if in an unannounced contest to see whose best or right

Therefore shine gloriously it did that perfect orbed moon.

The fine moon dust paraded in vivid sheer white

Against the curtain of deep midnight blue

Glowing brightly over the land in deep darkness subdued

While surrounded by a host of minute starry lights.

Perhaps one day that cratered sphere will discover in the quiet lull of night

Peaceful contentment to reside in its dim and softer hue.



Gently, softly, this day concludes

In twilight’s glowing interlude.

Future endeavors laid to rest;

Tomorrow will appear soon enough.

Over the mountains and sea, the sun has journeyed;

Finally resting upon the windswept prairie.

Thankfulness fills the mind and heart;

Happy contentment it does impart.

Every blessing today received;

Sent from the Lord who watches and sees.

Under the canopy of a pink streaked sky,

Nestles the sun on the brink of encroaching night;

Seeping  lower, dipping down.

Evening soon clouds the darkened horizon.

Time to rest while wrapped in the cloak of deep night

Knowing the sun will dawn at morning’s light.



Wind whistling through the trees;

Honeysuckle waves in the breeze.

Invisible birdsong filters the air;

Sunshine warmth makes the day fair.

Pine trees, ever green, punctuate the horizon;

Ear tingling croaks and chirps chime in.

Reddish glowing sunset;

Evening fireflies flutter and rest.

Day gently fades to darkened night;

Heavens glisten with twinkling starry lights.

Overhead the full moon dimly glows;

Peace and quiet reign beneath its shadow.

Even in the deepest and darkest night,

May the flame of hope in our soul

Be a shimmering, radiant light.